I believe, that teachers should cultivate good leadership skills. Smart teachers know, that in order for them to succeed, they have to lead their students through a desired path. During the span of a teacher’s career, they will always be “The Leaders” for their students. Hence acquiring some leadership skills could help good teachers establish leadership position.
Cultivating a positive attitude:
Teachers are role models for their students. Therefore, it is important that teachers should have a great attitude. If teachers show enthusiasm and positivity, children will notice and mimic their behaviour amongst their peers.
Building a Team:
When it comes to showcasing and demonstrating leadership, working as a team becomes essential. Instead of being harsh and strict at all times; which will get them nowhere with today’s generation; teachers have to change their behavioural methods to playing a more supportive role. It is key, for them to start a conversation with “how may I help you?” By doing so students will find teachers more approachable and they will work along with them.
“Can they count on you?”:
Teachers need to know their students on a one on one basis. It is only then; will they be able to recognise a behavioural change in a child. Every child acts out differently to situations that happen at school or at home. It is the role of the teacher to identify these changes in behaviour and guide the child accordingly. Having said that, teachers are needed to be flexible and attentive to the needs of a child that goes beyond education. By doing so teachers get recognised amongst their peers and also earn the trust of parents and students.
Being Creative:
Bringing creativity to teaching is time consuming but is of utmost importance. Children get bored with mundane teaching; it is the duty of a teacher to make the subject they teach interesting. They must constantly update themselves with how they can improve their teaching methods and find interesting ways to keep their students engaged in the subject matter. It is vital to share innovative teaching techniques with their peers so that there is a holistic growth.
Important to recognize efforts:
In a world where we are constantly pushed to do better, it helps to know that our hard work is recognized along the way. Acknowledge children for their efforts and contributions. Recognition does not stop in the classroom, it should be carried through for peers and parents. Remember, that a leader always recognises the team’s hard work and shows appreciation. The truth is that teachers will always be teachers – be it in class or outside. It is never too late to build leadership skills. It all starts with making small behavioural changes and that will ultimately trickle down to the methodology of teaching.
Aspire to be a Teacher – Leader.
Greetings from Ramesh!!
A well written article. Hopefully let us look forward for a generation of teachers who inspire and build future which puts our country in the forefront of all the nations.