1800 8433533
Managed by Sreedatta educational society


“Yummy!! Healthy!! Delicious!! I always wait for the day when Idli is served.Yum…WOW!! My favorite food is Idli. I enjoy it with karam, ghee, and chutney. The Idlis at Tatva are more nutritious and yummy because they are prepared with lots of love and care. That’s why I love Tatva’s food. Thank you, Tatva, for serving...
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In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to fall into a routine where days blend together, and before we know it, years have passed by in a blur. But amidst the chaos, there is a significant difference between merely existing and truly living. This distinction speaks to the quality of life, the depth...
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In my opinion, Tatva Global School is the best school in Hyderabad, and I have reasons to back up this claim. As a student, what more could one wish for? We have a sprawling playground, state-of-the-art sports infrastructure, well-equipped classrooms, an up-to-date library, and a canteen that serves nutritious food. To top it all off, we...
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“To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art; Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” — Leonardo da Vinci As students of Tatva Global School, we’re fortunate to be part of a community that truly values sports and all the incredible benefits they bring to...
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At Tatva Global School, the culinary experience is nothing short of exceptional, and one dish that stands out is the ever-delightful Rasam. A traditional South Indian soup, Rasam is my absolute favorite at Tatva, and it never fails to elevate my dining experience. This heavenly, tangy dish is a perfect blend of spices and flavors, with...
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