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Managed by Sreedatta educational society


John Dewey once said, “A teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding.” This philosophy is more relevant than ever in...
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Tatva Global School boasts a vibrant sports culture where students thrive in various athletic pursuits. From basketball to soccer, cricket to swimming, the school offers a diverse range of sporting activities to cater to every interest and talent. Under the guidance of experienced coaches, students hone their skills, foster teamwork, and embrace the spirit of healthy...
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“Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.” – Confucius In today’s fast-paced digital age, where answers are just a click away, it’s easy to overlook the timeless value of textbooks. However, these traditional learning tools are more than just pages filled with text; they are gateways to knowledge waiting to be explored.While...
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During our recent staff meeting, our team of teachers deliberated on the challenges we face due to parental conduct. While there are several challenges faced by Teachers in school – I would like to highlight the ones that arise out of the insensitivity of some parents. These I consider critical, and I believe can be quickly...
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English is not merely a subject; it’s a skillful art—a bridge connecting minds, cultures, and ideas. Like any skill, proficiency in English demands regular practice and exploration. Among the various dimensions of mastering English, reading stands out as a treasured skill, capable of igniting the flames of imagination and knowledge. The Power of Reading Reading is...
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