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Managed by Sreedatta educational society


14th of November every year, we celebrate Children’s day in our country, with pomp and show. Schools have programs for children. Newspapers flash news and print articles about children and their activities. Politicians too, spend this day with children. But why confine this celebration to just that one day? In my opinion, every single day […]
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Teaching in modern times is a remarkably intricate, multifaceted skill, and there is never a sense of having “mastered” it. It’s a process of learning throughout. While this could be an intimidating idea, it’s actually one of the most energizing and exciting things about the profession. It is also a thankless and a sleepless job. It […]
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There are about 18,000 CBSE affiliated schools and several other State and ICSE schools in India. It is estimated CBSE schools will grow by about 10% every year. That will be a 10 percent increase in the employment of educational administrators of all types, specifically Principals. This doesn’t consider the retiring principals, which I estimate […]
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As we navigate from the 20th to the 21st Century, many things around us are changing. It is not a surprise to many people anymore that change is taking place. What is probably surprising is the “rate of change”. The rate of change is unfathomable and will remain so. The question to ask therefore is […]
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Have you ever wondered while sitting in a physics class if math was being taught? Did you think that lessons from chemistry were being mixed up with biology? The terms and concepts may all seem to be inter-related despite their different natures. Life is but a collection of relationships and interdependencies. While working for companies […]
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