It is a fact that humans have a natural ability to improvise and innovate. It is natural for us and ingrained into our system. We will, consciously or unconsciously, seek to do that. We constantly seek small to large changes in our lives. Take examples of general life – we go from being a […]Read More
Which is that one thing that lets you sleep peacefully with no regrets, no grudges at heart? Of course, that one most important thing is HONESTY. It is one quality which everyone admires, which everyone wants to see in others. Staying truthful to self and others, not cheating self and others is what is called […]Read More
Recently on my trip to Chandigarh I met baby Rah. She is all of six months. Rah’s parents are friends from my college and we stayed in touch over the years. The first time I held Rah in my arms she started crying and howling to a point of scaring me. I wondered if I […]Read More
After many years out of school, this summer vacation brought back memories of lazy afternoons spent gorging on mangoes, playing with grandparents in the backyard of their home, a lot of TV and a book or two. Fast forward to 2016, and summer vacations are action packed, there seems like no one has any time […]Read More
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” ― Albert Einstein Mistakes are an essential part of learning for every living being. Humans and animals make mistakes but animals learn quickly from their mistakes, else they cannot survive. It is said even the gods make mistakes. We, are after all humans. […]Read More