Before we start, let us look at the definition of “Culture”. Culture is the characteristic features i.e. values, practices and goals shared by people living in a place or community. It helps in developing the intellectual and moral faculties of that group. Today, across the globe culture seems to be more individualistic, competitive and optimistic. […]Read More
When I started “Water” a new block in EVS, I asked the children” Where does water come from?” Most of them said water comes from the shops, bottles and tankers. Actually children believe what they see and till date none of them had seen a real source of water, so that answer was expected. They […]Read More
मैं एक अध्यापिका हूँ | अध्यापन ही मेरी जीवन शैली है |विशेषकर इस जीवन शैली में जीन-जक्क़ुएस रूसो की स्वतंत्रता की विचारधारा से मैं काफी प्रभावित हूँ |शिक्षा में दण्ड से आये हुए अनुशासन को मैं “न” के बराबर मानती हूँ| बच्चों का मन बहुत कोमल होता है |उन्हें दण्ड की नहीं प्यार एवं अपनेपन […]Read More
Every true relationship rests on trust and care. The definitions / titles of relationships do not matter, even if it was within a family if the partners/members don’t “care” for that relationship. When we care we enhance the experience and value of a relationship. “Care” is important for organizations too. It doesn’t really matter who […]Read More
After toiling all day long, you still walk along. With a smile on thy face, patience in thy eyes DAD! How will I ever thank you for your sacrifice? I kept you awake Countless days and nights. You bore with my unruly manners and fights But nothing could earn your despise MOM! How will I […]Read More